30.07.2004Censorship in China limits also information on Olympic history
Censors in China have blocked the publication of a book on the history of the Olympics, the International Herald Tribune reports. This was allegedly only because of a few references to doping and harsh training methods in China within the 1000-page book by David Wallechinsky. Censorship and other violations of the freedom of expression are among the types of human rights abuses inherent to the undemocratic regime in the PRC. In the run-up to the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, this gives yet another clear example to the international community of the way the Olympic ideals might be violated by Beijing in 2008 if there is no respect for human rights and no progress towards democracy in China.
The full text of the article "In the arena: Olympic bible runs afoul of Chinese censor" by Christopher Clarey is available here.
Olympic Watch