On Tuesday, May 17, 2005, ten years exactly will have passed since the Chinese communists abducted a young boy, the eleventh Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima. It happened mere three days after he was recognized in accordance with tradition as the incarnate of the tenth Panchen Lama. The boy of six years of age at that time was probably the youngest political prisoner in the world. On May 17 people around the world will commemorate his fate through the Global Vigil for the Panchen Lama. Olympic Watch is calling on its supporters to join the Vigil.
March 10, 2005, marks the 46th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising crushed by the “People’s Liberation Army” of communist China. As every year, Olympic Watch joins the commemoration of March 10 and invites its supporters to attend pro-Tibetan rallies and commemorative events in their area, such as the pan-European rally for Tibet in Berlin (March 12, 2005).
On Thursday, June 3, at 19:00 in various time zones, people around the world will light candles in their windows to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the massacre in downtown Beijing. This is the ambition of the Global Tiananmen Vigil, an international initiative launched today by Olympic Watch and its five partner organizations.
On March 10, 2004, people around the world will commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising that was brutally crushed by the Chinese communist army. The oppression of Tibet is not, unfortunately, just a matter of the past. Beijing continues – and in some areas intensifies – the pressure to subdue the culturally and religiously unique people of Tibet. This year again, Olympic Watch joins the commemorative events.
Jan Ruml, Chairman of Olympic Watch, has recorded the following Lunar New Year greeting for the global Chinese television station, NTDTV.