08.07.2008Měsíc před OH píše Olympic Watch čínskému presidentovi
Praha, 8. července 2008 – Předseda Olympic Watch Jan Ruml dnes poslal dopis presidentovi Čínské lidové republiky Chu Ťin-tchaovi, v němž ho vyzývá k naplnění slibů v oblasti lidských práv v Číně, které čínští představitelé učinili při kandidatuře na OH Peking 2008, a k propuštění tří vězňů uvězněných v souvislosti s olympiádou.
Celý text dopisu v angličtině následuje níže.
Hu Jintao
President of the People’s Republic of China
The State Council General Office
2 Fuyoujie
Beijingshi 100017
People’s Republic of China
Prague, 8 July 2008
Dear President Hu,
As the 2008 Olympic Games are approaching, the world stands witness to the fact that your government has not fulfilled the promises of human rights improvements and full media freedom that your comrades publicly gave in 2001.
With one month left, it is time for you to demonstrate your judgment. Among the countless people imprisoned by your government for merely exercising their internationally guaranteed freedoms, three Olympic prisoners stand out:
Hu Jia, who was jailed earlier this year after he publicly pointed out the connection between Olympic organizers and human rights violators from the Chinese security forces;
Yang Chunlin, who was imprisoned last year for drafting a petition that compared the importance of human rights with the Olympics;
Ye Guozhu, who has been in jail since 2004 for lawfully organizing a rally of people evicted for Olympics-related redevelopment of Beijing.
All these were peaceful expressions protected by internationally recognized human rights standards. We call on you to release these three Olympic prisoners immediately to mitigate the attention the world is about to give the many prisoners of conscience held by your regime at the time of the Olympics.
You should also consider making other steps towards improving the stature of your country and the lives of its citizens, such as imposing a moratorium on the death penalty, abolishing the system of arbitrary detentions and relaxing conditions for Chinese and international media to freely gather and report information and thus help the development of China as a truly modern nation.
Jan Ruml
Chairman, Olympic Watch